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We’ll Meet Again
Wed 1st March 2023 @ 10:00 - 12:00

We welcome Bryan Thurlow giving his talk “We’ll Meet Again”, postponed from January 2023
Billy Jackson, a pearly king from Bethnal Green, vividly describes what life was like when he and his sister were evacuated to an East Anglian farm at the outbreak of WW2 and the horrors of the blitz in London. A 45 minute performance piece/story
Brian Carline is unable to attend for his talk “Our Street”
“Copenhagen Street was no different from any street in any industrial town or city in the 1950s. Its landscape was identical to streets in Bolton, Birmingham or Bermondsey during this decade. Not only were the streets similar, their inhabitants all had the same tales to tell too. These people were working class, living from week to week, most just managing to pay the rent. Unfortunately, some could not. This book describes one such street, home to a community of ordinary hardworking and poor families.”
[Read more at Waterstones]